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The Pandemic.

We hear many daily complaints & regrets about the pandemic that is plaguing us. Most are true and our generation has never experienced such a catastrophe.

Some studies show that only a small portion of workers, less than 25%, can or will be able to carry out their activities in the “home office”, and even so we know that creativity will be impaired, because one of the variables that influence human creativity is precisely the contact with their peers.

Professions related to the economics of care such as manicurists, hairdressers, waiters, cooks, caregivers, domestic services, etc. they suffered hard and as a result, women, by proven statistics, lost jobs and should receive special attention from the government through specific public policies, because there is no way for these professionals to survive and it is no secret that more than 10 million Brazilians pass famine in the beginning of 2021.

Today, we have about 11 million women in Brazil who take care of their children without the presence of the father and with the loss of income the theme is dramatic.

However, it is not true that at home, a portion of these people can do nothing! This answer serves as a crutch for many lazy minds.

The world has suffered other epidemics, we can look in the past for what happened in those remote times, in one example, the bubonic plague transmitted through the bite of mice and flea bites. The initial symptoms are similar to a little cold, but after a few days the infection sets in attacking the ganglia.

The lack of treatment led to the death of a high percentage of human beings, something between 30% and 90%, as it is a bacterium, the current treatment is done through antibiotics. Penicillin, perhaps, the most famous antibiotic was discovered by the Scottish dr. Alexander Fleming in 1928. Antibiotics “boomed” between 1940 and 1960.

The world has already been subjected to several waves of the bubonic plague, however, here we are especially interested in the one from 1665. Known as the Great Plague, Mr. Samuel Pepys, who in England cultivated a diary about the crisis.

The English believed they were facing the apocalypse, and when walking through the streets of London it was common to trip over bodies. He wrote, “This disease makes us more cruel to each other than if we were dogs.” At that time, experiments were carried out such as social detachment, sterilization and quarantine. That is, today’s preventive actions are old and work.

Some wealthier families fled London for country houses, including the family of Isaac Newton. And so, Newton went to this country house and even in the country the locals did not accept London tourists since they could bring bad omens, at the end of 1666 the plague started to recede and mr. Pepys survived this catastrophe.

These two years were, in Isaac Newton’s view, wonderful. Well, he simply invented differential calculus and with that framework he set out to develop theories related to the movement of bodies that would later become laws of physics.

In addition, he worked and advanced on other topics, such as color theory, physical properties of light and the conclusion that white light is the combination of all other colors, deduced the forces that keep the planets in orbit and other “cositas” , today, we know the movement of the planets, the trajectory of asteroids and how the tides appear thanks to Newton’s two years of quarantine.

Anyway, for many people the pandemic can be productive, it is not simple and extra efforts are needed.

Dr Zero Cost

Dr Zero Cost por Ailton Vendramini, perfil realizador com formação na área de Engenharia, tendo trabalhado no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente acionista em algumas empresas e foco em Mentoria & Consultoria para pequenas e médias empresas no segmento de Gestão/Vendas/Marketing/Estratégia.



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