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Change 1!

Yes, the world changes at an unprecedented speed, so do organizations need to change? Yes. Do people need to change? Yes.

Some organizations have been around for decades, generate good profits and don’t change. And there? This is possible when this organization, for some reason, does not place itself in the firing line of the titans of the market or of an entrepreneur who revolutionizes this segment. The organization is there making a profit, but nobody is interested in its niche, nobody has decided to innovate “E la nave va”. If the leader of this organization quotes every day “don’t move a team that is winning” he will probably be right for many years to come. Competence? No. Lucky? Yes, luck exists, after all, almost always someone takes the lottery prize.

But who are responsible for the changes? According to the Gallup Institute 2013, only 30% of employees, including part of the directors, are engaged with the company’s mission, the best minds are usually in those 30%. And the rest? Well, 20% are those who only criticize – they don’t propose anything and play against the organization, the other 50% are there to “hit the card”, typical sentence:- “They pay me to do this, and I do it, period”. If the proposed and implemented changes are successful, that 50% will follow the herd and park one level higher on the professional ladder. Note that there is an important role played by this 50%, the 30% after deciding on the changes must invest in the engagement of this 50% for the organization to succeed, that is, focus on training and persuasion.

Change targeting technology is just a gross mistake! Why? Suppose we have a company that manufactures shoes, and the CEO decides to automate all the repetitive processes. To automate these processes, he will have to plan, get resources, close contracts, implement changes, correct deviations, and satisfy customers. When he finishes this implementation, he will discover that his factory is technologically outdated, because, while working on the processes, the sub-suppliers improved their products and services. In other words, it may be ahead of its competitors, but it will not have the state of the art in its factory. And, most importantly, the collaborators probably did not understand what was being objectified.

The changes have two basic components: technology and manpower. The implementation of a new technology requires a team that is aligned with the new planned goals, that knows what the “plus” we are seeking to offer our client. Therefore, even with all the technology available, it is essential that the workforce is capable and willing to “make it happen”. This workforce extends from the CEO to the last in line in the hierarchy.

Let’s think of a manager who is reading about corporate sustainability, organizational culture, innovation and must decide whether to implement ISO 56000. He knows that we will have more innovations in the next 10 years compared to the entire 20th century. ISO 56000 is a standard dedicated to innovation and guides companies to dive into this framework, we are talking about intellectual property, knowledge acquired by the company, revolutionary ideas, etc. If we ask this manager: – Do you want to implement this framework to innovate? He will most likely say: – I’m not interested. But if we ask:- Do you believe that the innovations that are knocking at your door could impact your business? In this case, he will answer: Yes. That is, if the inconsistencies start in the top management, how can the employee guide his/her tasks?

The choice of changes necessarily needs to be smart. Suppose Brazil decides to manufacture rockets, what will happen? (For the curious there are several blogs and channels on You Tube that deal with astronomy, today we have practically the launch of a rocket into space per day). Companies abroad, both governmental and private, have already gone through such a virtuous trajectory that it would take us a decade to understand what is happening. In other words, innovations and changes are happening, closing our eyes is an effective way to lead our companies to bankruptcy, however, many fields are already mined, the horses are already mounted, it is necessary to find market spaces.

The conclusion so far is that technology and people walk together, a project manager, an essentially technical professional needs to understand “people” and a facilitator who understands “people” needs to know something about the technology that your company uses or will use. A CEO who is digitally illiterate will have to decide on buying a lot of equipment and automating his processes.

Let’s see the leaders that Brazil had until now during the Republic, how many mistakes were made and we are here paying the price of a country condemned to middle income that passively watches Vietnam surpass it (let’s be humble, let’s not compare ourselves with China, South Korea South..).

Yes, we all have a more developed profile, sometimes we lean towards the social side, sometimes towards the technical side. However, whatever the profile of the collaborator or manager, it will be a catastrophe if he despises one of them. Balance is the name of this game and performances cannot be totally unbalanced. Yellow light!

Once the change that will be implemented in a given company has been decided, the culture of that company cannot be neglected and even if we are referring to a company that does not have written documents about its culture, it exists and is there impregnated in the actions during the working day. . Often dictated by the founder who is no longer there.

It is worth saying that all change starts with ourselves, and if we don’t know ourselves, how can we change? If the individual does not practice self-knowledge, how will he change? To this end, he often has to choose a trusted advisor with more experience, who shares beliefs, ideals, a sustainable vision of the future and who holds him in high regard so that he can point out new paths and eventual mistakes. You have to be open to change, to transform yourself and we know that human beings cannot stand criticism, even constructive ones, they usually generate rifts that are difficult to resolve. If we have already passed the stage of self-knowledge, we must have the wisdom to know how to look at our surroundings as an observer and define what we want to change.

Organizational changes are like a series of physical exercises in a gym. Suppose your “personal trainer” gives you a new set of physical exercises. Well, you show yourself willing to face this new challenge, do the sequence, relax, and then resume a new sequence. It is not possible to implement changes in the company all the time, as it is not possible after a certain new series of exercises not to relax in small intervals. Communicating to employees midway through the journey that the CEO has changed his mind will generate warmth in the organization. It is necessary to practice and breathe, this breathing is to understand if the exercise is having positive effects, if it can be improved, if it should be abandoned or if it should be replaced. The assessment time is essential to place the student and staff on the same frequency. Changes require an adjustment period.


Some leaders wake up in the morning and decide to change the processes of the companies they run. During this change they shift again in frantic action until structures and people are stressed. Other leaders are shyer and don’t change, the consequences can be just as disastrous for the company’s survival.


Exercises, suggestions:

  1. Try looking at your business in 2031, do you see your business performing the same tasks as it did in 2021?
  2. If this exercise seems difficult, check what your company was doing in 2011 and compare it to 2021.
  3. Compare your company’s revenue between 2011 and 2021. What happened? Why? Has your organization implemented changes? Has a winning strategy been created and implemented?
  4. What is your company’s legacy or your legacy to society?
  5. If your company were to close its doors today, would any customers speak up? If the answer is:- No! Uhhh, the commercial is failing to generate strong ties! Yellow Light!
  6. Try BetaCodex!

Dr Zero Cost

Dr Zero Cost por Ailton Vendramini, perfil realizador com formação na área de Engenharia, tendo trabalhado no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente acionista em algumas empresas e foco em Mentoria & Consultoria para pequenas e médias empresas no segmento de Gestão/Vendas/Marketing/Estratégia.



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