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Change 4!

Today, a leader who has a high performance will be able to break, tomorrow, the company he runs? Yes.

The point here refers to the changes, we can look today at the performance of the manager and conclude that they can have a low or high level of performance. High performance levels can be masked by the market. Example; a laboratory that manufactures and sells flu drugs can perform well if a flu epidemic is sweeping the population, its leader will benefit from the market.

Generally speaking, highly buying markets mask poor management performance. As we are living in an era of great changes on several fronts, leaders must be aware if they are creating gaps in relation to the future.

Currently, an excellent leader will only be an excellent leader in the future if he is considering or giving real importance to the weak identifying signals of market changes, otherwise, when the future arrives, his performance may be disastrous, the company may simply break like a toothpick. That is, if you move in a team that is winning today, yes.

Ideally, today’s leader with excellent performance knows where he will anchor the company in the future, that is, he is a person who is well informed about the weak signals sent by the future.

The question we can ask this leader in search of excellent performance not only in the present, but in the future is: What should he do today to be assertive with future changes?

For our convenience there are surveys along this line and the answer is:

The. Inspiring commitment to new ideas.
B. Knowing how to lead lucky people to keep the best and diversity orbiting their management.
ç. Knowing how to develop people and create challenging environments so that they are motivated to overcome them.
d. Strategic Thinking and Strategic Planning.
and. Self-knowledge, Self-awareness and Conviction that the team will get there.
f. Knowing how to manage changes, managing changes requires theoretical knowledge, studies are found on the internet as “change management” and there are courses in this direction.
g. Have an accurate feeling about the behavioral changes of your customers.

If our hypothetical leader successfully fulfills premises a,b,c,…g above, where will he arrive?
The. You will become a quick learner with a keen sense of smell for the changes that will take place.
B. He will know how to say “no” to the misleading signals that the market sends him.
ç. It will build an endless series of healthy corporate relationships inside and outside the company to refine its feeling.
d. He will hit the right start button for a new project, he will be diagnosed as a proactive person with a strong initiative.
and. He will know how to distribute shared goals to the areas he commands. Note that we are not eliminating departmental targets, but suggesting cross targets.
f. You will know which are the ideal cultures for each area of ​​your company. For example, some areas may work better with a strong hierarchy, others with a culture of cooperation, etc.
g. The concept of strategic perspectives will be clear, as in a game of chess where you move one stone at a time, but look a few moves ahead.

However, if he does not survive, we now know the reasons for this:
The. Strong participation in personal intrigues among employees. Prioritized discussion about people over prioritizing ideas.
B. Strongly ingrained in the organizational hierarchy, not letting smart ideas flow.
ç. He was too preoccupied with his personal career, short-sighted view.
d. He placed too much importance on his personal life compared to his professional life.
and. He stopped studying and became the Know-It-All teacher.
f. He was too flexible with project variables in terms of execution time and costs, when he should have been flexible with objectives.
g. He did not know how to practice listening and gave great importance to oratory.
H. If he kept so close to his good customers that he was not able to offer internal changes, that is, he did not distance himself from his customers at times to analyze what should be changed in his own organization.
i. The gains implemented benefited some areas and not others, that is, the tripod was not considered; customers, employees and shareholders.

Dr Zero Cost

Dr Zero Cost por Ailton Vendramini, perfil realizador com formação na área de Engenharia, tendo trabalhado no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente acionista em algumas empresas e foco em Mentoria & Consultoria para pequenas e médias empresas no segmento de Gestão/Vendas/Marketing/Estratégia.



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