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People wonder what the post-pandemic world will be like? Some respond that the world will not change, we will add our deads and return to normal activities, others that we will adopt small new habits, for example, we will wear masks even after the pandemic. And we stopped here. No effective overall plan on the new normal has been scraped!

In parallel, research and development laboratories ran from the beginning of this journey to find the vaccine against Convid-19, and most likely to receive the Nobel Prize. It’s mid-2021, the Nobel is being discussed.

Life on the planet has “normalized.” Should we learn something from this pandemic besides the simple change of small habits? Let us remember that the inhabitants of this planet invade every day the habitats of fauna and flora, in addition to destroying environments already conquered, are daily actions that offer a negative counterpart on the part of the offended nature, new diseases, global warming, aggravated natural phenomena, etc.

However, world society is mostly capitalist, profit comes first. The model exported by the U.S. was meritocratic capitalism, wins more who perform better. China proclaims political capitalism and gains more and more space in this century.

Capitalist emerging countries have been hit hard by COVID-19, unemployment by millions, deaths, hunger, lack of perspectives, priceless private debts, debt and public debts relative to GDP have reached levels never visited. Social fissures, once veiled sprouted with naked eyes. In Brazil the government appealed for the Keynesian prescription and distributing money to the vulnerable found that tens of millions of people lived as stowaways, many without a birth certificate.

What’s the solution? We believe that profit will continue to dominate the 21st century, but what profit? Good profit.

On the one hand we will have more conscientious consumers, demanding sustainable products and services, and on the other hand suppliers in search of this good profit. But how to achieve good profit? We believe that an excellent start would be to respond to 4 Whys.

The first would be “why” do you do what you do? Are you proud of this activity? Can you pass it on to your descendants as something noble?

The second “why” would be why the company you work for exists? There is at the heart of this organization a purpose or a cause, a mission that cooperates with the welfare of humanity without destroying it,

The 3rd “why” refers to business leaders, their goal is lawful or they are simply there looking at their own navel, seeking to enrich themselves regardless of where their garbage will be dumped at the end of the day,

The 4th “why” refers to your client. Why does he buy from you or your company? Is this client aware that we’re all in the same boat? Is it worth feeding this customer with our products and services?

We know that for those who have passed the age of 50 this speech will find little echo in their ears, however, the young people who are coming already realize the disastrous legacy that has been left to them, a young man can buy a carbon title while the generation that has passed 50 will not want to hear about the subject, and we are here! A pandemic inside a pandemonium.

Ailton Vendramini / www.veccon.com.br / Author of: CLIENT logy available at     https://hotm.art/fgyeuN   or in Portuguese  version at  Amazon   and linkdinpage

Dr Zero Cost

Dr Zero Cost por Ailton Vendramini, perfil realizador com formação na área de Engenharia, tendo trabalhado no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente acionista em algumas empresas e foco em Mentoria & Consultoria para pequenas e médias empresas no segmento de Gestão/Vendas/Marketing/Estratégia.



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