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@NASA Brás

It is essential to introduce the reader to this jewel in the Brazilian crown, NASA Brás. Company created on October 3, 1953 by the then president Getúlio Vargas in the popular wave of 1946 with the slogan “Space is ours” and brought in its corporate purpose the exploration of space for the relentless search for intelligent and rich life.


Obviously, NASA from the North Americans created much later on October 1, 1958, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration – NASA was simply looking for space exploration, taking man to the moon and other less important and easier things. It is true that American NASA already had in its social object the search for life in space, this type of life could be a bacterium and they would have already reached the objective.


NASA Brás, on the contrary, brought clarity of purpose to its corporate purpose, it was not enough to find life, and it was not any kind of life, not least because the company had no interest in the ignorant or the poor. It is a long-term vision, so demanded by Brazilians who live on the land of Brazil, NASA Brás started with 100% national capital where the discourse on sovereignty prevailed for many years. Yes, NASA Brás was the acronym for something that nobody knew for sure, but it ran into a small mouth: NASA – No Animal knows Something About.


Does NASA Brás invoice? Yes, NASA Brás sells hours of its satellites. These orbiting satellites allowed him to create Inter Brás, a 100% Brazilian internet. But, the capital requirement for really smart and rich life to be found demanded more and more intensive capital. NASA Brás was a healthy company, that is, its balance was positive, however, to leave the solar system – yes, there was no evidence of intelligent and wealthy people in the solar system, of course except Beijing and Washington – so it was I need to travel fast and further.


NASA Brás had progressed with the discovery of “Proxima b”, a planet potentially habitable by intelligent and wealthy people and not so far from our solar system, the calculation pointed to 4.2 light years away (each light year is equivalent at 9.46 trillion kilometers), the water there seemed to be abundant, which in theory indicated the presence of Resorts and consequently people with resources.


NASA Brás was a profitable company, faced some difficulties, for example, between the 30s and 80s Brazil had its local industry always developing, interrupting this process since then until 2021, thus, the country faced the continuous deindustrialization throughout the point that Chilean engineering companies had more revenue in 2020 than Brazilian companies. Another point was the growing need for intensive capital, it was when a liberal participated in the government summit and in a stroke of master decided to go public. A success, money poured like oil into the company’s coffers, and it capitalized. Yes, the company admitted several private members, but nothing is perfect.


These new entrants (shareholders) were looking for high profits while the company was trying to reach the planet “Proxima b”, the company’s cash was drained for the plan to search for planets with intelligent and wealthy people, and in the national territory the revenue was achieved via the satellite rentals that definitely did not cover the costs of mega projects.


It is worth mentioning that NASA Brás was for a long time plundered by members of left, right and so on. some values ​​were returned to the company’s coffers, and in the end the popular saying prevailed; “Ok, everything is fine, now, everyone is honest, but my hat is gone!”


The government held most of NASA Brás’ shares and, therefore, enforced its will, had recently appointed a high-ranking military officer to command it. Why? Suppose that on the planet “Next b” there is resistance when the topic at hand is a loan (non-repayable), they probably will not accept it, because they are intelligent. Then, a general in charge of the company will be more aligned if gunpowder proves to be the best alternative.


While the planet “Proxima b” was not conquered, minority shareholders were making a lot of noise, they demanded an increase in the value of the hours of use of satellites, and the general rowed in the opposite direction. Increasing the value of satellite hours, meant greater profit for shareholders, but there is an additional cost for the entire population that used Inter Brás (the Brazilian internet) and everyone used this facility. It is worth saying that with deindustrialization the need for equipment and services came from abroad, from the most varied fields, they were: semiconductors, pharmaceutical products mainly for astronauts, personal products, software, hardware, telecommunications, special food, etc. all quoted in dollars, that is, NASA Brás costs were tabulated in dollars.


The interesting thing is that when this general was appointed, the minister of the economy was a card-carrying liberal, known as mr. “Pagues”. Thus, in the following months the administration of the general – mr. Buduna, the value of the satellite hour was kept artificially low to cheer the president. This operation had already been done when the ruler was a female president.


Obviously NASA Brás started to make losses, the stock price started to plummet and the plans to achieve “Proxima b” were stretched a light year forward. Until at a meeting of the president with his ministers where general mr. Buduna – President of NASA Brás was present, the Minister of Economy, “Mr. Pagues” asked for the floor and said:

-The technical staff of the Ministry of Economy performed some calculations and the conclusion is: Let’s Sell @NASA Brás.

Dr Zero Cost

Dr Zero Cost por Ailton Vendramini, perfil realizador com formação na área de Engenharia, tendo trabalhado no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente acionista em algumas empresas e foco em Mentoria & Consultoria para pequenas e médias empresas no segmento de Gestão/Vendas/Marketing/Estratégia.



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