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10 reasons to choose your office well, in Brazil!

There are multitudes of offices available for purchase and/or rent mainly in this second half of 2016 when the real estate market is down, so how to choose your best option?

1.Corporate Purpose: the corporate purpose of your company is the first important variable to choose the office. For example, suppose you will open a “call center”, in which case employees are often entitled to a low salary, as customers also allocate little resources in these operations. For example, “call center” for late charges. Another important matter of this “call center” market is that the hired customer will rarely go to your premises, so he does not need to be impressed with your facilities, so you should seek local labor in the area, with easy public transportation locations far from the expensive rents. You should also be aware of the evolution of the technologies that replace this type of work every day by intelligent machines, which means that this market tends to decrease.

2.In case you want an office to provide advocacy services, the client will be hiring the intangible, the credibility, the security, the competence, so your facilities must show strength, security, and stability. Here the location is important, its installations, meeting rooms, etc… the costumers register in their subconscious these intangible factors. This concept can be extrapolated to physicians, dentists, psychiatrists, and liberal professionals in general.

3.There is a trend in large centers for professionals of the same area to group together in corporate buildings, so if this is the case, this possibility should be strongly considered. Reasons:

A. safety compared to an office, clinic, etc. … located on the street.

B. Professionals with complementary functions can solve many pains of the same client. Example, you go to an endocrinologist, and there you can make appointments with a dermatologist, cardiologist, nutritionist, perform blood tests, etc… in large cities, this procedure will facilitate the life of the costumer, solving in a single place a series of problems and reducing their displacement, which means offering a greater comfort to the customer.

4.Per capita income: the income of citizens who circulate within a reasonable radius of their workplace. If it is important should be considered. Here our radar must consider several municipalities and we should not fix ourselves on the one we are accustomed to. The IBGE website is a good channel for analyzing per capita income.

5. Regional GDP: the regional GDP is of fundamental importance because, although the per capita income is important, it may not bring the real potential of the place. Thus, regional GDP gains importance because it brings the mass produced in the region and opens up new market possibilities. For example, Rio de Janeiro’s GDP is 1/3 of the GDP of the Greater São Paulo region and the GDP of Campinas region is 1/3 of Rio de Janeiro. It happens that the Metropolitan Region of Campinas is 100km of the capital. That means the GDPs (Campinas + São Paulo’s) practically are added up, thus we have almost 1 trillion Brazilian reais versus 320 billion of Rio de Janeiro region.

6.Parking: the premises must offer parking for customers and employees. In Brazil, a country that has given priority to this type of transportation and it should change … but very slowly, consideration should be given to the availability of these spaces.

7.Coworkings: are shared spaces, whose purpose is to reduce expenses for those who are predisposed to use the space by sharing with other professionals or companies. If this is the case, there are companies specialized in the subject.

8.Coffee, lunch, gym, “happy hour”, “open bar” and other services. These facilities are important so that the work environment is pleasant, in other words, in the immediate vicinity having these stewardships is a differential. Today, those working on “Startups” say that great ideas no longer emerge in laboratories, but in environments of coexistence.

9.I have seen the m2 rental in São Paulo decreasing, as well as in Campinas, however if you do not attack your requirements and contour conditions considering the satellite cities, the surprise will be very good. You can get both for rental and for eventual purchase a competitive price of m2, and be prepared for changes, after all the only thing constant in life are the changes.

10.Universities and technical courses close by can be a differential because they tend to provide skilled employees and in most cases at a lower cost in comparison to the big centers.

I, after fifty years in São Paulo, made this evaluation and moved to the city of Sumaré, 114 Km far from São Paulo!

Dr Zero Cost

Dr Zero Cost por Ailton Vendramini, perfil realizador com formação na área de Engenharia, tendo trabalhado no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente acionista em algumas empresas e foco em Mentoria & Consultoria para pequenas e médias empresas no segmento de Gestão/Vendas/Marketing/Estratégia.



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