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Leadership, where should we be?

We are aware.

A. Or at least we know how to simulate our planet 4.5 billion years ago. Many believe that this event was led by a superior being, a great leader.

B. Life emerged 650 million years ago, and about 450 million we already have the first reptiles and their first organizations in communities. Leaders at work.

C. Dinosaurs were around 230 million to 66 million years ago when these animals went extinct along with more than 75% of life on the planet. They already lived in packs and many leaders were already present.


D. Leaders of our species since man first set foot on this planet about 200,000 years ago, after all some of them decided to leave Africa and convinced many others to take a tiring walk, without labor laws and without a monthly salary.


E. The Jesuits departing from Portugal and their leader, Basque Inácio de Loyola, tell them: Go to Brazil and catechize those people. (without labor laws, without salaries and without revising their leader for decades – the importance of a well-defined mission).


So, leaders “always” existed, already “studies” about leadership and which the best leadership is a much more recent topic, probably the rich literature does not exceed a century, we must make an honorable mention to Sun Tzu (544 BC – 496 BC) a Chinese strategist and philosopher general wrote the military treatise “The Art of War” and, Nicolau Machiavelli, 05/03/1469 to 06/21/1527, who lived in Florence at a very special time and his concepts of leadership span the centuries, he wrote “The prince”.

Given the fact that these early leaders were characterized by the strength of the alpha male, this ancient concept carried in its definition the genetic load that elected them over time. And, in modern and segmentary times, we had the first condominium for the wealthy and rich people in São Paulo with the unfortunate name of AlfaVille.

Part of our more recent generations putting a foot in this erroneous heredity spells out statements like: -People are born or not born leaders. Point.

This concept has already fallen apart a long time ago, that is, it is possible to learn to be a leader, obviously as long as you dedicate yourself to the theme. Knowing that the concepts about leaders are evolutionary, what is the most recent?

  1. The good leader is the one who learns and mainly learns to learn (in other words, if he turns around 30 ”, the ball is with him, he decides the course). Closed minds, people who don’t know how to listen, people who understand that they have a knowledge of the truth, people who surround themselves with people who think like him, people who always laugh at the style of the same jokes, are terrible leaders.
  2. The leader must have a tripod on which he stands and stands; 1. technical area (operational, he must know what is going on), 2. human area (defining the team and understanding the team, relating to his peers and the team, and as a result the leader has knowledge of how to do it) for the team to deliver good results), 3. conceptual area (ie, where will it take the company, what results will be achieved, what responsibilities will it assume, what is the plan? What is the strategy? Is it clear to everyone? What will the legacy be?).
  3. Suppose we were to defend the democratic leader here. Is this posture valid for all occasions? No, why? Because leadership in the 21st century has several faces. Suppose one led with a low level of education, and another with a reasonable level of education. At the beginning of his career, the subordinate needs to be educated, he needs to receive orders, he needs to have a supervisor above him. Now, suppose a subordinate with a long road, with extensive experience and knowledge, that same leader will not be able to act in the same “modus operandi” with that subordinate, it is necessary that positions are evaluated and convergent points are reached. In other words, this leader will not impose himself, but will conquer. (situational theory).
  4. The leader must admit people of different backgrounds, different races, different genders, different cultures, he needs to move through these tribes and here is his flexible genius. The leader when speaking for a “tribe” is in tune with the values ​​of that tribe that somehow must be aligned or corroborate with the values ​​of the company. Leadership experts such as Ms. Hirminia Ibarra makes it clear that the way people treat each other is what determines whether there is “grease” in these lucky gears to achieve goals more easily.
  5. The generations X, Y, Z, W, XPTO that excuse me, but once the course is agreed, discipline is fundamental. Look at what is going on in the Hong Kong conflict with the Republic of China. They are street conflicts, demonstrations, deaths etc., however, see how the Chinese party meetings at the Politburo take place on this topic, the organization, how the documents are distributed, the reading, the position of the people in the chairs, the mr  Xi Jinping leader wearing a badge (as if no one knows him), who speaks and when he speaks, in short, regardless of merit, is a class of organization and leadership – without reading the text.
  • Something that is often heard is the difficulty of the leader in creating the “team spirit” so that each component in this orchestra plays his instrument in a virtuous way and gets into the correct measure. Here, the tip is: clarity. What does the company propose to do? Having answered this question, the next question will be: Is each employee aligned with this objective? Or does it at least find points converging for that purpose? If, yes, it will be much easier to lead, if not, it will be almost impossible. Note that if the leader, when asked what his company’s mission is limited to answer: “Sell”. This is definitely not a leader. In fact, if any reader is interested in how to increase sales, Dr Zero Cost published the e-book on how to conquer the market in turbulent times.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ref .:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Books, videos, lectures, TED, by Hirminia Ibarra, can be easily found on the internet. ///// Book “Pipeline de Liderança” by Ram Charna, Stephen Drotter, James Noel – The Development of Leaders as a Competitive Differential./////Situ Hersery and Blanchard’s Situational Theory (or Model), developed by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard and published in the work of both “Management of Organization”. In other words, leadership depends on the person being led.///// How to conquer markets in difficult times, e-book on Amazon, title: “CLIENT logy”, Ailton Vendramini.

Dr Zero Cost

Dr Zero Cost por Ailton Vendramini, perfil realizador com formação na área de Engenharia, tendo trabalhado no Brasil e no exterior. Atualmente acionista em algumas empresas e foco em Mentoria & Consultoria para pequenas e médias empresas no segmento de Gestão/Vendas/Marketing/Estratégia.



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